Free Tony the Tiger from His Truck Stop Cage

On Dec 14, 2010 the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) decides whether or not to renew a permit that keeps Tony, a 10-year old Siberian/Bengal tiger, caged as a road-side attraction at a truck stop. Renewal of this permit means that Tony would be condemned to yet another year of suffering.

Tony has lived his entire life in a concrete and steel cage near gas pumps, subjected to fumes, noise, and traffic 24/7. He is frequently taunted by visitors and exhibits abnormal pacing behavior. Please let the LDWF know that this "attraction" is inhumane and Tony should be surrendered to a big cat sanctuary to receive the care he deserves.

Tony's owner refuses to surrender him to a sanctuary but, with your help, we may be able to convince the LDWF that this is not his choice to make. Sign the petition to tell the LDWF not to renew the permit that keeps Tony at the truck stop.
Dear Mr. Barham,

This December, your agency will be responsible for either the renewal or denial of Michael Sandlin's annual permit -- a permit that keeps Tony the Tiger caged as a road-side attraction at the Tiger Truck Stop in Iberville Parish. I strongly urge you to deny this permit and help put an end to the exploitation of Tony.

For his entire life, Tony has lived in a concrete and steel cage near gas pumps at a filthy truck stop. He is subjected to toxic gas fumes, continuous noise and traffic, and taunts from people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These living conditions are inhumane and I am appalled that this is allowed, much less legal, in Louisiana.

Additionally, Tony represents the serious problem of privately-owned tigers who are bred and exploited as roadside attractions and entertainment under the guise of so-called "conservation." There is no conservation if the animals are never intended for release into the wild.

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Captive tigers, with proper care, can live up to 15-20 years. Tony, who is 10 years old, should be moved immediately to a sanctuary so he can live out the rest of his life in a peaceful setting that offers him
the psychological and physiological care he needs and deserves. I urge you to deny Michael Sandlin's annual permit and put an end to this inhumane "attraction."
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