CUT Animal Ag Subsidies with our Taxes to Cruel Factory-Farm so Unhealthy Meat is cheaper than Basic
CUT Subsidies to the cruel-unhealthy meat industry that encourage people to consume more animals (we eat more than ever in history from the worst Factory-Farm - conditions also corrupt anti-whistleblowing or workers recording animal abuses are subject to felony criminal charges for reporting actions under AgGag bills threaten food safety and justice) since its cheaper than basic healthy whole foods, despite being labor/resource intensive. As a result our health care system is over-burdened too. So lets PETITION to take subsidies from ANIMAL AG and for REPRODUCING reducing incentives to have more kids or eat more animal products!
CUT Subsidies to the cruel-unhealthy meat industry that encourage people to consume more animals (we eat more than ever in history from the worst Factory-Farm - conditions also corrupt anti-whistleblowing or workers recording animal abuses are subject to felony criminal charges for reporting actions under AgGag bills threaten food safety and justice) since its cheaper than basic healthy whole foods, despite being labor/resource intensive. As a result our health care system is over-burdened too. So lets PETITION to take subsidies from ANIMAL AG and for REPRODUCING reducing incentives to have more kids or eat more animal products.
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