Protect the Greater Yellowstone Grizzly: Stop the Delisting!

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a proposal to remove Endangered Species protections from grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone region, a move that could put the bears' health and future in serious jeopardy.
Grizzly bears are an essential piece of the American West, a wildlife icon that has been integral to the Yellowstone region for centuries. Each year, visitors spend millions in the region, hoping to catch a glimpse of a grizzly, this beautiful and powerful symbol of our wild heritage. And as an apex predator, their presence is crucial to the health of wildlife in the Greater Yellowstone region.
Thanks to Endangered Species protections, grizzly bears are making a remarkable recovery after being persecuted to the brink of extinction – but they're still vulnerable. The proposal to delist the grizzly fails to preserve this progress – in fact, it will reverse it. The bears' naturally slow reproductive rate, loss of key food sources to climate change, and state plans to reduce numbers through methods like trophy hunts, all spell disaster.
Take action today to protect Greater Yellowstone grizzlies!
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