Green groups in Australia have been arguing the Leadbeater's possum could go extinct, according to a report in The Age newspaper.
Now, Zoos Victoria have confirmed the tiny marsupial will become extinct unless logging in Victoria's central highlands decreases.
A letter sent by Zoos Victoria to the state-owned timber company VicForests in January says recent scientific modelling had led the zoos to form the view that rates of highland harvesting could not be viewed as "ecologically sustainable" and that the current rules for logging in the central highlands would not save the Leadbeater's possum from extinction.
As a result, conservationists want logging to end to protect the possum and are also campaigning for a "Great Forest National Park" to be established.
Ironically, the Leadbeater's possum is the state emblem of Victoria. The marsupial should not have to go extinct because of human intervention. Will you join me in urging the Victorian government to cease logging and to create a new National Park in the central highlights to help save it from extinction?
Please sign and share the petition.