The Great Australian Bight is a vast area of natural beauty and abundant marine life stretching hundreds of kilometres across South and Western Australia and featuring the longest line of sea cliffs in the world.
However, oil and gas companies like BP want to turn the Great Australian Bight into an oil field - BP is responsible for the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010.
The waters of the Great Australian Bight are filled with many threatened and endangered species such as blue, humpback and southern right whales. The waters are a nursery for sea lions and the area was designated as a sanctuary for southern right whales.
It's hardly the place for a high risk oil field!
BP has a shocking environmental track record, nonetheless, BP, subject to approval, plans to drill four deep water exploration wells from early 2016. BP’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was the worst in history.
This simply cannot go ahead!
We demand the Australian government protects the Great Australian Bight from the risk of a disaster and halts any exploration for oil and gas. With all that is known about climate change, fossil fuels are dead - renewable alternatives must be explored.
Please sign and share the petition.