Prime Minister Trudeau: It's time for a legislated oil tanker ban
- by: Dogwood
- recipient: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
During the recent federal elections, Justin Trudeau promised to stop Enbridge and ban crude oil tankers on the North Coast. Once sworn in, Prime Minister Trudeau put a tanker ban at the top of his cabinet's to-do list. "No Tankers" will soon become a reality.
Legislation is the only way to reconcile Canadian law with First Nation's laws banning tankers and to ensure the North Coast can never again be put at risk at the stroke of a pen.
The Prime Minister has taken the first step by ordering his minister of transport to implement a moratorium on crude oil tanker traffic through B.C.'s northern cost. Now we must encourage him to finish the job and enact legislation that will end Enbridge once and for all.
This is a historic opportunity to close the chapter on Enbridge, and to close the North Coast to oil tankers for good.
Add your signature in support: As citizens of Canada, we support a legislated ban on crude oil tankers along our beautiful Pacific North Coast. We applaud the new government for the leadership they have shown on this file — and look forward to the day we can finally say goodbye to Enbridge.
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