Torture is not Culture - It's Time to End Animal Cruelty in Spain

Some 60,000 animals die every year in Spain as part of traditional festivals.
These include the Toro de la Vega, where horsemen armed with steel-tipped lances chase a bull to its ultimate death; the Pero Palo festival, where a donkey is dragged through the streets, abused and beaten by the crowd, and; bullfighting, the baiting and killing of a bull as a public spectacle in an outdoor arena.
Recent opinion polls reveal that the vast majority of Spanish citizens oppose bullfighting and other forms of animal torture. What some people defend as culture, more and more people are rejecting as abuse. Stop this by signing the petition today.
National Spanish elections in December ended in stalemate. As political parties move to form the new government, World Animal Protection sees this as a unique opportunity to send a message that the outdated traditions of bullfighting and other cruelty towards animals in the name of culture have no place anywhere in the world.
Right now, Spain's leaders need to show they are listening to their people and looking forwards, not backwards. Through this petition we need to show them that the international community is watching. There may not be a better moment to win a commitment to end animal cruelty in Spain.
Globally we need as many signatures as possible by April to present to the newly formed Spanish government. Together, we can move the world to change.
Sign this petition if you agree that torture is not culture - and this must end, for good.
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