Myanmar's Wild Elephants - Abducted Enslaved

6,000 Wild Baby Elephants illegally kidnapped, tortured into slave-workers, remaining 2000 elephants at high risk. This signed petition will be openly presented to the CEO Permanent Mission of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations and to world wildlife societies to pressure Myanmar's government to enforcre the law prohibiting the abduction of their wild forest elephants.
The enslavement of the wild baby elephant process is unimaginably cruel, 50% mortality rate, essentialy the captors drive the baby elephant out of its mind by total sleep deprivaton and incessant sensory engagement, tactile, auditory. until their brave spirit has been utterly broken.

Mother elephants grieve for years at the loss of offspring, the whole family structure is destroyed.

The viable population of wild elephants is fast disappearing, (Allee (underpopulation) effect and shrinking gene pool) as the elephants dig their own graves - logging their own forests.

Kidnapping baby elephants is banned by Myanmar law.
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