On June 25th, 2014 at approximately 9:38 pm Gage County Sheriff's Deputy Matthew Ernst knocked on the front door of Shelly LaDeaux’s residence to deliver a paper. Shelly’s family dog Mica began barking at the knock of the door. Shelly went to the door and stepped out onto the porch to speak to Deputy Ernst. Mica had followed Shelly out on the porch and Deputy Ernst had stepped back. Upon hearing Mica barking the deputy must have unholstered his gun. Shelly was surprised to find that Deputy Ernst already had his gun drawn. As Mica came out onto the porch Deputy Ernst ordered Shelly to contain Mica. Knowing Mica’s doscile demeanor and the fact that Mica did not have mean bone in her body Shelly had no idea of what was about to happen! Doing what the Deputy ordered Shelly had called out to Mica and as Mica retreated Deputy Ernst fired a shot into Mica’s shoulder. Mica stopped looked up to Shelly and dropped to the ground. Mica was still alive, but unable to move. She laid there immobile as the Deputy fired a second round striking Mica in the head. Mica died within seconds from the shot to the head. Mica never showed any aggression toward the deputy and there was no reason for the first shot and most certainly not the second shot to the head. Mica was a sweet, loving family member and companion to Shelly. Mica loved people and always encouraged a pet on the head. She was well loved in her neighborhood and never a problem. Shelly was in disbelief that her loving Mica was dead in an instant. Why? Well…we don’t know why! Deputy Matthew Ernst made a fatal decision that night and used lethal force without cause and shot Mica twice. Deputy Ernst simply and cruelly murdered Mica and traumatized Shelly as Mica lay dying at her feet. Due to this extreme force by the deputy and the fact that the second shot was not in any way necessary, we the petitioners are demanding that Deputy Matthew Ernst, Badge # 90315 be terminated and removed from his position in law enforcement effective immediately. We also demand that the Gage County Attorney launch a full and complete investigation against this deputy and bring forth charges of “aggravated animal cruelty” against him.
This is not an isolated incident in law enforcement regarding the use of deadly force upon family pets. We find that this act of cruelty is increasing among law officers across the country. It must stop! We are petitioning that law enforcement agencies implement mandatory training for officers in how to approach family pets when entering private property. There are currently many training courses available in how to deal with animal encounters. Many cities, counties and states are utilizing these courses for their officers because citizens and tax payers are demanding it. Officers must also allow pet owners ample warning and time to contain and secure their pets. We demand that lethal and deadly force be restricted and other means of deterrent such as pepper spray mace, tasers, batons, darts or warning shots be used and only when necessary. This is working in New Jersey already by using a dart. Lethal force in murdering our pets is unacceptable. These murders are senseless and brings much discord to our communities regarding law enforcement. We expect these actions against Deputy Ernst and implementation of training and non-lethal force be enforced immediately.
Without the appropriate action adapted by law enforcement, many more family pets will die and their families will be gravely affected by those who are quick to unholster their weapons, aim and shoot to kill. In some of these instances children and others are in close proximity of the shootings and are at risks of catching a stray or mis-aimed bullet. Please do what is right, listen to your citizens and stop this senseless killing. Protect us, our childen, our pets, our neighbors, our community, and our rights.
paragraphs to describe this issue to readers: why it’s important, and why they should sign.