- by: Michael Maloney
- recipient: Carol Chambers, District Attorney, Douglas County District Attorney
In Colorado and other states across this nation children are being tried, convicted and sentenced as adults to long prison terms under mandatory sentencing guidelines.
Mandatory sentencing does not take into consideration the past non-violent social history and absence of prior criminal records of these children. They are thrown into the adult court and penal systems.
The results are that mandatory sentences are ruining our youths lives. In this case, prosecutors are abusing the court system by using a tragic automobile accident involving a 16 year old child and prosecuting him as an adult. The prosecutors in this country have the power to decide to try a child as an adult or not. We believe this choice should be made by the judge who presides over and hears the case. This power must be restored back to the judges throughout this nation. They alone should have the power to decide on a one-on-one basis the fate of our children.
We need your support.
Please sign the following petition to save the future of Todd Stansfield.
A tragic car accident occurred on June 18, 2004 taking four precious lives and leaving the driver, 16-year-old Todd Stansfield, severely injured. Along with the pain of losing his friends and all the lives lost that night, Todd Stansfield was charged as an adult with vehicular homicide. If Todd is found guilty he faces 24 years in prison.
We the petitioners are the parents and friends of two of those wonderful boys Michael Budge and Tony Majestic. We want to see justice served in this case. And we also feel the pain of loss for the family of the other driver, Mr. Gilchrist, who also lost his life in this tragic accident.
Trying Todd Stansfield at the age of 16 years old as an adult is not justice served". The result will be another young life destroyed and will serve no purpose to the memory of those who lost their lives.
We believe Todd should be tried as a juvenile and be required to share his experiences with other teen drivers to help educate them in the responsibilities of safe driving to hopefully avoid other tragic accidents by inexperienced teenage drivers.
There are too many questions surrounding this case. In the pursuit of justice and to honor the memory of the boys we want only truth and justice for Todd Stansfield. We ask that all the evidence and the true facts about this case be heard. This includes any information involving both drivers. Any and all questions must be answered concerning the investigation of this accident.
What is the purpose of four different investigative reports? What really happened the night of the accident? There are grave doubts about the speed of the boys car. Todd has already been judged in the media when local papers printed that he was driving 55 miles over the speed limit. There is no proof of this but will Todd be able to get a fair trial now?
Todd Stansfield was charged with four counts of vehicular homicide as an adult and faces 24 years in jail. Tried as a juvenile, the sentence would be substantially less, allowing Todd to live a productive life. This tragedy was an accident, not a deliberate or criminal act.
If you agree Todd should be tried and sentenced as a Juvenile, please sign this petition and encourage your friends and family to do so. Make your voices heard to speak for those that cant and to try Todd Stansfield as a juvenile in the juvenile court system.
Author: Ivan Majestic
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