Support the Great Forest National Park

Just 90 minutes north-east of Melbourne — stretching from Kinglake to Mt Baw Baw and north-east up to Eildon — the Great Forest National Park will protect endangered forests and wildlife and give Melbournians an escape from the concrete jungle.
Polls show 89% of Victorians support the new national park. However, this proposal is under threat from special interests intent on cutting down Australia's native forests.
The Great Forest National Park is critical for preserving the habitat of the nearly extinct Fairy Possum. With fewer than 1,500 of these tiny creatures left, we don't have any time to waste. If we want to protect Fairy Possums for future generations, we need to act now.
There is a growing movement of Victorians who are getting behind the Great Forest National Park — Victoria’s next great national park. We've got a new State Government. It is now time for a new National Park. Take a stand and join the thousands of Australians demanding the creation of the Great Forest National Park.
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