Stop the Bush/Cheney Sneak Attack on Wolves

Officials in the Bush/Cheney Administration are moving forward with plans to allow wolves to be killed in Idaho and Wyoming even before the animals are removed from the list of federally protected endangered and threatened species.

Help us stop them. Sign the petition today to send a message to U.S. Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne and urge him to abandon efforts to let states start killing wolves and to delay de-listing of gray wolves in the Northern Rockies.
Protect Wolves in the Northern Rockies

Dear Secretary Kempthorne,

As a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife and someone who takes great pride in the successful reintroduction of wolves to the Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone Region, I am deeply concerned with your agency's actions to eliminate vital protections for this still-recovering population.

In particular, I am disturbed by your agency's support of rule changes that would allow wolves to be killed in Idaho and Wyoming even before these animals are removed from the list of federally protected threatened and endangered species.

I am also concerned with your agency's support for de-listing of gray wolves. Officials in Idaho and Wyoming have made clear that they intend to "manage" wolves at the lowest level permitted by law, a policy that will likely result in the removal of two-thirds of the wolves in Wyoming and all but approximately 100 wolves in Idaho.

Your agency is charged with protecting America's natural treasures and is accountable to the tens of thousands of people in the Northern Rockies and across the country who have spoken out against the proposal to de-list wolves. I sincerely hope that you will remember these facts as you consider your agency's responsibility to America's future generations.

Thank you for considering my comments.


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