Only ~110 of these wolves are estimated to remain in the wild.
We're fighting in court to keep this ultra-rare subspecies of the gray wolf from extinction. But today we need your help to put additional pressure on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Interior.
The Fish and Wildlife Service is finally beginning work on a recovery plan for the endangered Mexican gray wolf, an iconic species of the American Southwest. Unfortunately, the governors of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado, bowing to pressure from ranchers and anti-wolf interests, are fighting to undermine recovery efforts.
Contrary to what the politicians are telling the federal government, scientific studies show that to create a sustainable population, these wolves need more habitat and multiple, interconnected populations, totaling more than 700 wolves.
Given their low numbers, genetic diversity should also come into consideration before any killing of these wolves is authorized.
For years, these wolves have struggled to survive in the wild—yet politicians continue to hinder their recovery.
Time is of the essence to save these wolves! Take action now to ensure their survival.
Political pressure should not interfere with a science-based recovery plan for Mexican gray wolves
Dear Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Thank you for beginning work on a recovery plan for the endangered Mexican gray wolf, an iconic species of the American Southwest. I urge you to ensure that the recovery plan is based on sound science and that it ensures the survival of this magnificent species in the wild.
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Unfortunately, since Mexican gray wolves were first listed under the Endangered Species Act in 1976 they have continued to struggle for survival, due in large part to the inappropriate political influence of wolf foes.
Now the governors of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado are at it again. Their recent letter to you is no more than an attempt to use political pressure to undermine wolf recovery instead of acknowledging what science says about the wolf's needs.
What the science says is at odds with what the politicians say. For example, scientific studies show that:
* Wolves need much more habitat than the inadequate range the Service has provided so far, which keeps the species from roaming in northern Arizona and New Mexico, and in southern Utah and Colorado.
* A single population of just 350 individuals, a cap the Service adopted last year at the behest of the Arizona Game and Fish Department, is far too small to recover the species. Instead, wolves need multiple, interconnected populations totaling over 700 individuals.
* The Service's authorization of the killing and removal of wolves, again at the behest of the Arizona Game and Fish Department, without consideration of the individual's contribution to the genetic diversity of the species, puts the wolves at significant risk.
For years, Mexican gray wolves have struggled to survive in the wild. Now is your chance to complete a much-needed, scientifically based recovery plan. Please reject the poorly informed and harmful political interference that puts the future of this species--the lobo of the Southwest--at risk.
[Your name]