Ban Horse Slaughter In Canada!
Every day, trucks carry horses hundreds of miles in cramped, sweltering quarters across the border from the United States to Canada. After the ones that survive the trip wait for hours at auction without hay or water, slaughterhouses shoot each between the eyes with a .22 calibre pistol.
Horse slaughter may be illegal in the United States, but both the U.S. and Canada play horrifying roles in the $70 million industry. Farms across America raise thousands of horses every year for shipment, slaughter, and export to Europe and Asia.
Many of these farms feed horses a steady diet of medication specifically labeled as hazardous for human consumption. Still, Canadian slaughterhouses sell the arguably contaminated meat at up to $12 a pound.
The horse slaughter industry is both inhumane and risky to public health. Call on Canadian Parliament to ban horse slaughter in Canada and stop the cycle of cruelty.
I am writing to urge you to ban the slaughter of horses in Canada. The industry is not only baldly inhumane; it also contributes to major public health risks.
[Your comments here]
After the United States placed an official ban on horse slaughter, Canadian slaughterhouses eagerly opened their doors to the $70 million industry. Horses often go hours without food or water, stuck in cramped conditions with other territorial animals. The result is often weakness, injury, and occasionally violent death during transport alone.
Additionally, scientists have found drugs not recommended for human consumption in many horse meats marked for export.
I recommend that you and the rest of Parliament take steps to end this cruel practice and to avoid putting agricultural greed over compassion and public health.
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