Sign the Bill of Reproductive Rights

In a few weeks, the Center for Reproductive Rights will meet with key members of Congress on Capitol Hill to tell them that the assault on reproductive rights in this country must end NOW.
Since January, more than two dozen laws have passed in states across the nation choking off access to vital reproductive health care - including the two most extreme abortion bans ever. We can't wait any longer to urge Congress to act.
The Center wants to take a quarter of a million signatures to DC to ask our elected representatives to protect women's health, equality, dignity, and freedom to make decisions for themselves. Make your voice heard. Sign the Bill of Reproductive Rights.
We need 50,000 signatures before June 10 to make our unified voice thunder not just across Capitol Hill, but across the nation. We need to tell Congress that this is unacceptable - that this is where we draw the line.
Please act now. Make our voice heard throughout Washington, DC, and across the United States.
We the people of the United States hereby assert the following as fundamental human rights that no government may deny, and that our governments at every level must guarantee and safeguard for all.
The right to make our own decisions about our reproductive health and future, free from intrusion or coercion by any government, group or individual.
The right to a full range of safe, affordable, and readily accessible reproductive health care including pregnancy care, preventive services, contraception, abortion, and fertility treatment - and accurate information about all of the above.
The right to be free from discrimination in access to reproductive health care or on the basis of our reproductive decisions.
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