Palm oil is responsible for the destruction of critical wildlife habitats across South East Asia, endangering orangutans, elephants, rhino and tigers. It's is in half of all packaged products currently sold in supermarkets, including noodles, shampoo and detergents — but consumers don't know because companies are not required to label it as an ingredient.
Environmental groups and animal advocates across Australia have been pushing the Government to introduce mandatory palm oil labelling, but when Government ministers recently met to consider these laws,
they decided to delay the meeting for another six months.Countries like Indonesia and Malaysia produce 84% of the world's palm oil, but at a heavy cost. Millions of acres of rainforest are cleared out for palm oil plantations, pushing thousands of plant and animal species towards extinction.
Australian consumers have the right to make informed choices, and corporations shouldn't be allowed to hide the ingredients in their products. Join me in telling the Federal Government to make food labelling of palm oil mandatory!