The endangered snow leopard thrives in freezing temperatures in Central Asia's mountains. But new research suggests that the big cat's habitat is dangerously vulnerable to climate change. One Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projection says that the "average annual mean warming will be about 3 °C by the 2050s and about 5 °C in the 2080’s over the Asian land mass, with temperatures on the Tibetan Plateau rising substantially more."
Warmer temperatures means even fewer snow leopards.
Experts fear that as much as 30 percent of the snow leopards in the Himalayas could disappear, and the remaining cats will experience heavy habitat fragmentation. Climate change is just one more stressor bringing the endangered big cat closer to extinction. Snow leopards are believed to have declined by at least 20% over 16 years, due habitat loss, prey depletion, poaching, the illegal wildlife trade, persecution and conflicts with locals.
But we can still save the snow leopard with the help of the United Nations.
It's imperative that the snow leopard and other animals threatened by global warming impacts be considered at the upcoming Paris 2015: United Nations Climate Change Conference. Please sign and share this petition urging that a strong agreement be made to fight climate change, limit habitat impacts and save the snow leopard and other hightly vulnerable animals.
Photo Credit: Roger Blackwell on Flickr
New research suggests the already-endangered snow leopard will be hit especially hard by climate change impacts, with as much as 1/3 of their snow covered habitat disappearing. Snow leopards and other endangered animals won't have a representative in Paris, so it is up to all world leaders to advocate for these voiceless global warming victims. Please remember these critical habitat threats as you negotiate a climate agreement, and save our wildlife!