It has come to light that Chinese scientists have been working to create dogs that are extra-muscular in stature. After studying and editing the animals’ genes, they have created genetically-engineered, stronger animals, putting the dogs at risks. This is very unnatural and disturbing for the dogs and you can read the report at
Interfering with the natural genetics of dogs can be detrimental to the animals’ health. It is very unnatural to interfere with the natural genes of the dogs in an effort to create mutant animals. Researchers at Guangzhou General Pharmaceutical Research Institute want to delete a certain gene in dogs that will encourage dogs to have “more muscles and are expected to have stronger running ability, which is good for hunting, police (military) applications”, as stated by one of the researchers.
Additionally, these scientists want to create other modifications in dogs that will be engineered to have human diseases like muscular dystrophy or Parkinson’s disease; creating a method for further studies and research. It is hard to understand why the animals must be used for research and unnatural results by altering and removing the necessary gene for healthy dogs.
Our efforts in this petition is to encourage these scientists and researchers to stop using dogs for these “experiments” and leave dogs as they are meant to be, happy, healthy and living the natural life they were given. Don’t try to create “monsters” for the sake of science. Stop messing with the dog’s genes and subjecting the animals to other health issues. You can support our issue by signing and sharing this petition.
Guangzhou General Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Jun Ying,EMBA Director – We strongly urge you to stop experimenting on dogs in order to make them more muscular. It is very unnatural to interfere with the genes and proper mutation of dogs to create an animal that is clearly unhappy and healthy just for the sake of science. Leave these dogs alone and stop experimenting on animals in such a manner!