Save the Hollywood Star Lanes

Save the Hollywood Star Lanes

The Hollywood Star Lanes is a family-owned and operated bowling facility in Hollywood, California that has been in business since 1962.

Now the Star Lanes is threatened by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) as they want to destroy the Star Lanes and put up an elementary school in its place.

A simple look around that stretch of Santa Monica Blvd. would let any reasonable person know that this is not a good site for an elementary school.

The neighborhood is a gang warzone; There would be a major freeway running right next door (101) and the crossing guards would most likely be transsexual hookers.

In addition to its reasonable rates and 24-hour bowling, the Star Lanes has been the setting for some of Hollywood's greatest movies about bowling, including Kingpin and The Big Lebowski.

The Hollywood Star Lanes is an amazing little slice of Hollywood's history. It's a fantastic place to unwind and have some fun, where celebrities rub elbows with locals and everyone wears rented shoes.

The face of Hollywood is changing rapidly, and it seems that when confronted by the obvious need for better school facilities, people may be losing sight of the importance of local landmarks like the Hollywood Star Lanes which are the cornerstones of the community.

Please sign this petition and help spread the word that there are more suitable sites for an elementary school and that the Hollywood Star Lanes is an important place to many Los Angeles residents.

The Hollywood Star Lanes is a family-owned and operated bowling facility in Hollywood, California that has been in business since 1962.

Now the Star Lanes is threatened by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) as they want to destroy the Star Lanes and put up a high school in its place.

A simple look around that stretch of Santa Monica Blvd. would let any reasonable person know that this is not a good site for a high school.

The neighborhood is a gang warzone; There would be a major freeway running right next door (101) and the crossing guards would most likely be transsexual hookers.

In addition to its reasonable rates and 24-hour bowling, the Star Lanes has been the setting for some of Hollywood's greatest movies about bowling, including Kingpin and The Big Lebowski.

The Hollywood Star Lanes is an amazing little slice of Hollywood's history. It's a fantastic place to unwind and have some fun, where celebrities rub elbows with locals and everyone wears rented shoes.

Please sign this petition and tell the LAUSD to find some other way to endanger our children.
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