Stand up for Greenpeace India. Speak up for freedom.

India is poised to be a major force in tackling climate change and poverty. But attacks on freedom of speech and democracy threaten this.
As a result, Greenpeace India could be forced to close. This will be bad news for everyone fighting for the environment and people's rights.
Please ask the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to support free speech in India.
The stakes are high -- much higher than just Greenpeace India or its group of committed staff. Thousands of civil society groups across India could face the same fate. Unless we can stop this happening, the shutdown of Greenpeace India will encourage further attacks on civil society and will leave the corporations and their cronies free to operate without scrutiny or criticism.
Vocal support from people like us around the world -- who admire and encourage the commitment of Greenpeace India to our environment -- can provide support in this incredibly trying time.
Please stand up for our environment and freedom of speech. Tell Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to support free speech in India.
Dear Secretary-General,
Please lend your voice in support of free speech and the right to dissent in India.
[Your name here]
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