Thank President Obama for Urging Protection of the Arctic Refuge!
In a historic first, President Obama is calling for the permanent protection of the vulnerable coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by recommending a Wilderness designation for this extraordinary landscape.
The coastal plain of the Refuge is a 1.5 million-acre ecosystem of pristine lakes, rivers, grasslands, and marshes that provides habitat for millions of birds, along with caribou, polar bears, musk oxen, wolves, and more. Yet, for decades, the threat of oil and gas development has put the wildlife of the Refuge at risk. While Congress must finalize the Wilderness protections, this step is the most significant conservation gain for the Refuge in decades.
Take action today to thank President Obama for taking a strong stance on behalf of the wildlife of the Arctic Refuge!
To President Obama, Thank you for recommending that the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge be designated as Wilderness in the final Comprehensive Conservation Plan. Thanks to your administration's efforts, this pristine ecosystem is one step closer to permanent protection. The coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge is an unparalleled landscape that attracts millions of birds from every corner of the world for nesting, foraging, and staging for migration. The Refuge also supports 45 species of mammals, including polar bears, musk oxen, wolves, and one of the world's largest caribou herds, which depend on the coastal plain for its vital calving grounds. Designating this 1.5 million-acre ecosystem as Wilderness would ensure that the wildlife of the Arctic Refuge remain free from the persistent threats of oil and gas development. It will also maintain recreation opportunities for visitors to be able to enjoy viewing the unique wildlife and stunning landscape, and it will continue to support subsistence activities for the native Gwich'in and Inupiat communities. Finalizing your administration's recommendation for a Wilderness designation sends a strong signal to Congress that it's time to finish the job started by President Eisenhower to protect this national treasure forever. Thank you again for your efforts to help make this goal a reality. [Your comment here] Sincerely, [Your Name]
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