Giraffes and Okapis are my favorite animals, and when anything to do with them becomes an issue, I help wherever I can. My Goal is make people aware of this particular species, The Kordofan Giraffe. My connections have been through the Bristol Zoological Society who are opening a new Giraffe Complex at their WildPlace Zoo. They are working with Reserach and Conservation , not only at Wildplace, but in the Wild in Camroon and the other areas that the Kordofan Giraffe still lives. I support The Zoo every month with a regular Direct Debit, Part goes to my Friends Scheme, and the other Part is for the Giraffes. The Kordofan has now become my favorite Species of Giraffe. The Kordofan Giraffe - (Giraffa camelopardalis antiquorum). Please help save them by supporting this Project