Urge Seattle Council to Ban Plastic Bags!
- by: Care2.com
- recipient: Seattle City Council President Richard Conlin
Now more than ever before, it is apparent that that plastic bags are detrimental to the environment. They clog landfills and harm birds and marine life, even choking animals to death. They also never decompose, eternally polluting our world.
A ban on plastic bags will benefit everyone in the long run. A simple bill banning plastic bags and charging for paper ones will save the environment and reimburse grocery stores for costs.
The plastic industry has managed to kill several bans on plastic bags around the country. Do not let them succeed in Seattle. Tell the Seattle Council to ban plastic bags for good!
Dear Richard Conlin,
Plastic bags are detrimental to our environment from production to consumption. They use a lot of energy to manufacture, they are expensive for stores to use and when they are disposed of, they pollute the landscape as well as endanger marine life.
A ban on plastic bags would help the community as a whole. In addition, it would benefit Seattle to adopt the Bellingham ordinance of plastic bags in order to show consistency of regulations in Washington.
(Your Comments Here)
Please do not allow the plastic industry to lobby their interests over the needs of constituents. I urge you to ban plastic bags from Seattle.
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