Fight Deforestation and Curb Climate Change!

Among the many gifts forests give us is one we desperately need: help with slowing climate change. Trees capture greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide, preventing them from accumulating in the atmosphere and warming our planet. But irresponsible agricultural practices can lead to massive deforestation and millions of acres of rainforest are destroyed every year.
It is absolutely critical that we save trees and rainforests. When forests are felled, they release into the atmosphere all the carbon they've been storing. All told, deforestation and forest degradation causes about 10 percent of worldwide emissions. The increased carbon in the air contributes to climate change, one of the greatest challenges our planet has ever faced.
Over one billion people around the world—often impoverished—rely on forests to earn a livelihood. Smallholder farms are already suffering from rising temperatures and erratic rainfall patterns caused by climate change. In addition to helping farms adapt to these challenges, the Rainforest Alliance trains farmers in methods that safeguard the health of the land for future generations while boosting yields for today's markets. Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms protect the long-term well-being of the farming community, as well as the critically important forests and wildlife.
Help the Rainforest Alliance—pledge to buy products that carry the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal of approval, and join the fight to save rainforests and our climate.
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