Tell George Bush the REAL State of the Union

President Bush delivered his final State of the Union address recently. In an attempt to rewrite the history books, he has lied and denied, wrapped himself in the heroism of better, braver men and women who wear the uniform, and tried to tell us the economy is strong and the occupation is a success. While we focus on a better future, we can't let him rewrite history. Sign this petition and tell the White House the REAL state of the union!
Dear President Bush,

In the last eight years, your administration has launched a devastating attack on our environment and on our health. I am not proud of the direction our country has taken or how we've forgotten about the critical issues that affect hard-working families, senior citizens, children and the shrinking middle class.

[Your comment here]

Please do not attempt to rewrite the history books, wrap yourself in the heroism of better, braver men and women who wear the uniform, or tell the American people that the economy is strong and the Iraq occupation is a success.
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