Justice for Baghwa the Lion!

  • by: Kristina S
  • recipient: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Chandler E. Woodcock, Commissioner; Jim Connolly, Director

Baghwa, a male African lion was shot and killed by the owners of DEW Haven, a breeding backyard zoo in Mount Vernon Maine several years ago.

There was never an investigation and different stories of the event have been put out to the public by the owners, Bob and Julie Miner. The authorities were never even notified and therefore no investigation into Baghwa's death was initiated.

In one troubling version of the incident, when asked why authorities were never notified it was "Because, explained Bob, then it would have been public knowledge and they probably would have shut him down"!

Please sign this petition to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and demand an investigation and JUSTICE FOR BAGHWA!

Quote above from this blog post. Please follow this Facebook page for more information on the backyard breeding zoo DEW Haven.

Dear Commissioner Woodcock and all staff of Maine IF&W,

This petition and all signers ask that the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife make DEW Haven and its owners take responsibility for the shooting death of their male African lion named Baghwa.  This animal was shot by Julie Miner and the incident was not reported to your department, nor an investigation implemented at that time.  Bob Miner claims responsibility and carelessness by leaving a latch open, and an innocent lion was shot in cold blood because of it.  He kept this from your department and must be held accountable.  Your department must do its job and Baghwa deserves justice!  DEW Haven at the very least should lose its permit to exhibit animals such as these lions they are so careless with. 

Thank you

Update #57 years ago
Maine DIF&W lied about an investigation into Baghwa's death. They have no proof of one and there were no repercussions for DEW Haven over an escaped male lion and his shooting. This backyard zoo continues to get away with his murder. Express your outrage to their "mouthpiece" Mark Latti at mark.latti@maine.gov. DEMAND to see PROOF of an investigation and Justice For Baghwa! The public has a right to know the truth!!!!
Update #47 years ago
I will be delivering your signatures! Join us May 5 in Augusta at Maine IFW hq. If you can't get to Maine, please keep sharing this petition! Baghwa needs your voice!
Update #37 years ago
Please keep sharing this petition! Maine IFW will not act on Baghwa the lion's death without significant pressure. Maine IFW seem to think that Bob and Julie Miner are free to shoot their zoo animals without question by authorities – a disturbing precedent for backyard zoos and the protection of the animals within them. We would like to deliver this petition in-person to Maine IFW. Please help get more signatures for that time! Thank you!
Update #28 years ago
Maine Warden Services received our information about Baghwa the lion and there was a phone discussion, but now they have gone silent. If we are not satisfied with the results of this investigation, we will print out these signatures for delivery and possibly protest in front of the department. BAGHWA DESERVES JUSTICE! Please keep sharing this petition so we can be more effective with more signatures, thank you! #JusticeForBaghwa
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