Oppostion of Tableeghis

  • by: Irfan Khan
  • recipient: Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, GLA
Opposition against Tableeghis and the call to halt the spread of their misdemeanours. And the construction and organisation of the olympic mosque by them    

Dear honourable, Ken Livingstone,

We are writing to you to request your urgent intervention into the wanton construction of the Olympic complex in Newham, London to be run by the extremist group the Tableeghi Jamaat that preach unbarred hate. It has come to our attention that certain officials, who follow a highly extreme interpretation of the Wahabbi madhab under guise of the Tableeghi Jamaat, are behind the organisation and developement of this site supported by the Muslim Council, which is by no mean's the voice of Muslims here in the UK but in reality working in benefit for the Tableeghi Jamaat and Deobandis as they are affliated with the same sect. To be honest we don't oppose the construction as sources sugggest that it is partly funded by the government but the fact that it will be run by the minority and fundamentalist sect of Tableeghis only because they have authority within the Muslim Council of Britian which is a undemocratic organisation and does not represent us Muslims they have been handed this opportunity other sources have suggested that the Saudi kingdom is also behind the funding? This is a source of concern for all mainstream muslims Judgeing the Saudi Kingdoms track record and affliation with extremists  .. 

We are Muslims from around the World as well as mainly in the UK and London and associated with various movements within the UK including Sunni Friends of Newham the S.M.C (Sufi Muslim Council, and other noteable and respected Islamic organisations based in the UK, and we oppose the construction of this mosque if its to serve the purpose and allow the deobandis/tableeghis to set up with in so they can brain wash the youth of our community as they have and continue to do so til today the recent arrests prove exactly our point as those arrested were all affliated with this sect each year they send hundreds of young British Muslims to fundamentalist religious schools around the world and are the currrent cause of problems within our community including the prevention of women to attend mosques.

We would like your kind intervention and assistance to look into this matter and carefully consider under whose authority this mosque should be handed..

Thank you kindly


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