Bank Fossil Free: Pledge to divest from Keystone XL, Dakota Access, and other dirty pipelines!

Big banks like Wells Fargo fund the companies behind dangerous pipelines – like Keystone XL, Line 3, and Dakota Access – that threaten Indigenous rights, our climate, and communities.
If your money is invested with big banks like Wells Fargo, it is helping to fund projects like these – and the environmental and human rights abuses that come with them.
Each of us has the power to fight back by making sure our own money is not invested with banks that finance this destruction. Whether you can move $5 or $50,000, you can send a clear message by moving your money to a community bank or credit union that shares your values and helps support clean energy and healthy communities. This growing movement has already divested millions of dollars from the big banks funding dirty pipelines. Now it’s your turn!
Take action: pledge to move your money out of Wells Fargo or other big banks, and we’ll provide resources to help you get started right away!
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