Save the Lolo 75 - Protect Wolves from Federal Sharpshooters
Federal sharpshooters are preparing to take to the skies of Northern Idaho in an ill-conceived attempt to kill as many as 75 wolves to artificially boost game populations.
The proposed plan is for Wildlife Services, a program under Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's supervision, to use helicopters and other aircraft to gun down wolves in the Lolo region near Clearwater National Forest -- your public lands!
Conservation groups like Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund have long sought to protect wolves from unscientific persecution, and we're not about to give up on them now.
Take action today to help us stop the killing... before it starts.
As a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund and someone who cares about sound, science-based wolf management, I strongly urge you to cancel plans to use aerial gunning to kill as many as 75 wolves in the Lolo area near Clearwater National Forest in Idaho.
The stated reason for the wolf-killing plan is that some believe that wolves are reducing elk numbers.
But elk numbers began decreasing in the area long before wolves made their way there, as suitable elk habitat in the area declined.
I ask that your agency practice science-based wolf management, and not capitulate to the misguided fears of anti-wolf extremists. Please prevent the planned aerial killing of wolves in the Lolo area near the Clearwater National Forest in Idaho.
As a taxpayer, I do not want federal resources or federal lands used to kill wolves simply for pursuing their natural prey -- elk.
Thank you for considering my comments.
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