Don't Let Greed Destroy the Murray-Darling Basin!

The Murray-Darling Basin is the lifeblood of our communities, wildlife, 20,000 farms and millions of people.
But right now, a few rogue irrigators in NSW appear to be stealing billions of litres of river water. Despite alarming evidence of this illegal activity, it looks like people at the highest levels of the NSW government have done nothing to stop them. Instead, they appear to have shut down active investigations, leaked confidential documents and helped irrigators find loopholes to abuse the rules.
For a thriving basin, our river needs to flow from source to sea. We have a duty to protect our river so everyone who calls the basin home – the people, wildlife, farms, critters and cities – can thrive for generations to come.
The Murray-Darling Basin Plan sets out fair rules about how much river water people can take. Together, let's stand up for the plan that gives us all a fair go and keeps our river flowing for everyone – not just the ones with the deepest pockets.
Sign the petition and demand Malcolm Turnbull say "no" to the vested interests and deliver the Basin Plan on time and in full.
Prime Minister Turnbull, your party paved the way for a plan that would fairly represent the needs of the whole basin, from the biggest crops to the smallest critters. Now, we call on you to make sure the Basin Plan:
- Legally dedicates 3,200 GL of river water to our rivers so they can flow with more natural cycles of flooding and drying.
- Removes barriers and outdated rules so our rivers can replenish natural floodplains.
Uses the best available science to manage the current and future impact of global warming.
- Is overseen by transparent institutions we can trust to look after our rivers and ensure everyone plays by the rules.
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