We as concerned residents, business owners, and environmental stewards are concerned and opposed to the filling in of the flood plain in Jackson Township on the property known as the Creekside Manor Development by Cranberry Creative Real Estate and Donnie Rodgers.

We are opposed to irresponsible development that will negatively impact the following:
- Flood plain
- Flood way
- Flood Insurance and disaster relief
Environment and Recreation
- Existing Wetlands
- Existing Stream
- Wildlife Habitat
- The Harmony Trail
- Native American Historic Sites
- Harmonist and Mennonite Historic Sites
- The Harmony National Historic District
We are in support of thoughtful, responsible development and community planning between contiguous municipalities.
We will employ every legal and ethical means of stopping the fill of this area and any destructive, irresponsible development in the area.
For an aeral video and explanation, click here
Preserving Harmony is a committee under the umbrella of Historic Harmony, Inc.
The mission of Historic Harmony Inc., a nonprofit [501(c)(3)] organization founded in 1943, is to preserve and promote public knowledge of the Harmony area's history and heritage through its Harmony Museum collections and outreach activities, foster tourism in southwestern Butler County in cooperation with other organizations and agencies, and encourage preservation of historical resources in support of educational, quality of life, economic development and associated community objectives. To obtain registration and financial information of Historic Harmony Inc. from the Pennsylvania Department of State, phone toll-free within Pennsylvania at 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.