Time is running out to protect the Arctic Refuge!

As you read this, the oil industry's allies in Congress are very close to passing a budget bill that would open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. Unless we stop them, this world-class wilderness - home to grizzlies, caribou, wolves and millions of birds --will become a vast oil field with its heavy equipment, pollution and miles of roads.

Polar bear cubs, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photo courtesy of the USFWS.
In Hurricane Katrina and Rita's aftermath, some members of Congress are trying to push Arctic Refuge drilling as the answer to America's energy problems. But oil from the Refuge, if it is found at all, would take years to come to production and would affect the price of gasoline by just one penny per gallon!

We can do better than to sacrifice the Arctic Refuge to our gas-guzzling economy. We have the means and the technology to wean ourselves from profligate oil use.

But time is running out. Sign our petition to your members of Congress, and urge them to do everything in their power to keep oil rigs out of our Arctic Refuge.
Dear Member of Congress:

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge today is an unspoiled landscape as wild and free as it was 10,000 years ago. It's home to polar bears, wolves, grizzlies, and millions of migratory birds. And it's a holy place to the native Gwich'in people, whose culture is inextricably linked to the 130,000 caribou that give birth there every spring.

But some in Congress are determined to turn this sacred ground into an industrial wasteland, even though data from the Department of Energy indicate that at best, drilling might lower gas prices by about a penny a gallon - in 20 years. A penny? Gas prices change by more than that from one day to the next.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a priceless natural treasure to be protected and passed on to our children - not something to be given away to the oil companies on the false promise of a penny two decades from now.

Wrecking the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for a penny a gallon 20 years from now is the wrong choice for America. I urge you to oppose any legislation that would open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. Please keep the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge the way it is: wild, unspoiled, and free of oil rigs.


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