Save America's Last Wild Forests

As it heads out the door, the Bush administration is handing the keys to our national forests over to the mining, timber and oil and gas industries. Its targets are the crown jewels of our national forest system -- millions of acres of pristine landscapes in Alaska's Tongass Rainforest and Idaho's Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Now the Administration has set its sights on Colorado's Rocky Mountains, where it is moving forward rapidly with a rulemaking that would remove the landmark Roadless Area Conservation Rule, the popular policy that protects the last one-third of the nation's most pristine forests for future generations to enjoy.
If adopted, it would dramatically increase logging and road-building in 4.4 million acres of Colorado's best backcountry, while giving the green light to roughly 100 new oil and gas drilling projects, impacting valuable fish and wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation opportunities.
Your help is needed now! Please sign our letter to stop this 11th hour effort to open Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Forests to more drilling, mining, logging and road-building. We encourage you to include your own personal comments to increase the impact of your letter.
Dear Chief Kimbell:
I am writing to strongly oppose the Administration's attempts to repeal the landmark
Roadless Area Conservation Rule so that new logging, mining, drilling and road-building is allowed in Colorado's best backcountry forests. Opening up these Rocky Mountain landscapes to industrial development puts at risk valuable fish and wildlife habitat, watersheds, trout streams and prime recreation lands.
These efforts to deprive Colorado's national forests of critical protections -- coupled with recent actions to allow industrial development in Alaska's Tongass Rainforest and Idaho's Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem -- underscore the need for consistent and meaningful protections for all of America's remaining pristine forest lands.
I strongly oppose the Administration proposal and urge you let the
2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule stand in Colorado, as well as throughout the nation, so that future generations may enjoy these treasured landscapes.
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cc: Your members of Congress
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