Ban Animal Hoarder From All Future Ownership of Animals Along - Felony Charges for Animal Neglect

  • by: Animal Rescue Coalition Nc
  • recipient: Rutherford and McDowell County Authorities North Carolina, Pat McCory Govenor NC, NC Department of Agriculture

Rutherford and McDowell County Animal Control, Sheriff's Department & Judicial System refuses to place severe felony charges, against the man, woman and daughter who hoarded over 150+ horses, cows and dogs animals in North Carolina, including a Stallions and Bulls must be banned from any future animal ownership. Despite intentions in caring for animals, the animals suffered immensely. Be a voice for these animals; ensure they are punished appropriately while also ensuring they never own, care for or even get near another animal the rest of their life.See Petition Blind Eye to Animals Dying in Rutherford and McDowell Counties in North Carolina

Please sign and share this petition on all your media and news sites to gain justice for the horses, cows and dogs neglected in a horrible hoarding situation in Rutherford and McDowell Counties in North Carolina. Officials will not seek felony charges against the man, woman and daughter involved but we are also trying to ensure that they are also banned from future ownership of animals for the duration of their lives. This has been going on for over 10 years! 

Rutherford County and McDowell County have a huge hoarding situation involving two separate farms with over horses, cows and dogs; about 100+ animals in all. They were living in feces filled pastures, streams, cages and barns with some filled with trash and junk. Rutherford County Animal Control, McDowell County Animal Control and the Sheriff Departments have known about this problem for years and refuse to cite the now 84 yr owners and 53 yr old daughter for animal cruelty neglect and abuse..Horrendous odors and dead animals that they refuse to bury turn into bones ravaged by dogs, coyotes and vultures. See Petition Blind Eye to Animals Dying in Rutherford and McDowell Counties in North Carolina

The family had intentions in caring for the animals but just kept adding animals to the herds and dogs by over breeding the animals, never trying to find homes for any of the animals they could not care for, had 30+ dogs and puppies that were not spayed or neutered because the wife liked puppies. The same went for the horses. Stallions were thrown in with mares breeding them over and over. Some mares have 2yr olds, yearlings and weanlings and are ready to foal because the wife likes babies, husband and daughter want to sell them for money, but this rarely happens. They are allowed to hoard animals and authorities rarely help. The dogs live in squalor and many did not even have access to any food water and veterinary care. The horses and cows rarely have hay, feed of vet care. Many are skin and bones starving and the weak are dying.

The family was cooperative at first when four animal rescues helped vet, feed and find homes for some of the animals. He was allowed to breech contracts and make them leave the properties. Authorities let them. They manipulate the system, communities citizens and rescue resources  to feed and care for the animals and continue to hoard.

Despite good intentions, all of us with a strong heart for animals know the responsibilities and would turn to the professionals to help in times of need, but we have to force them to help by media coverage to force the m to do something. This family was capable of doing just that but did not. We are trying to ensure they does face felony charges and be banned from future animal ownership. Help in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition on all media sites to gain justice for all the affected animals in this hoarding situation.

Update #110 years ago
Please Help us stop this Animal Hoarder! We need help with Legal Fees. Please go to our link and help us stop this family for having any animals in th future and force Rutherford County and McDowell County to act in the best interest of the animals and not the owners neglecting them.....
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