The Great Barrier Reef is a natural wonder of the world. It's an icon that is home to 1,500 species of fish and 400 species of coral.
But now, it's at risk.
The Australian government has approved marine projects that involve dredging large portions of seabed in one location and then dumping them in another location, causing disastrous impacts to the Great Barrier Reef.
Australia should reverse its decision and immediately ban all dumping in this fragile ecosystem.
To the Australian Prime Minister & World Heritage Members,
I am deeply concerned with current plans for rapid, large-scale industrialization of the Great Barrier Reef, a World Heritage Site we all treasure.
Please take decisive action to ensure this important ecological icon is protected. The Australian government must:
1. Ban all dumping of dredge spoil in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Site.
2. Avoid all unnecessary dredging in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Site and minimize the impact of maintenance dredging.
3. Reverse the decline in water quality within the next decade by passing legal reforms and by making major new investments to reduce land-based pollution and to restore river catchments.
4. Uphold its commitment as a state party to the World Heritage Convention to maintain the reef's outstanding universal value and to ensure full protection of the property.
The Great Barrier Reef is for all Australians and visitors from around the world not just big industry.
And these new developments would surely put more pressure on an already stressed ecosystem.
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