Say NO to Scott Pruitt and YES to Wildlife

Bald eagles and every single other wildlife species across our country will be at grave risk if Scott Pruitt is approved as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Mr. Pruitt has worked to undermine protections for land, water and wildlife, shown that he will put special interests over the public interest, and demonstrated that he will not uphold our nation's environmental laws or adhere to sound science.

Scott Pruitt stands in stark contrast to former Republican and Democratic EPA administrators who have applied sound science to advance fundamental conservation goals like clean air and clean water. His confirmation has to be stopped, and the only way to do it is in a bi-partisan way — with our members of the Senate coming together to stand strong for wildlife and our outdoor heritage. He only needs 51 votes in the Senate for confirmation, and the vote could happen this week.

Send a message to your senators telling them to vote NO on Scott Pruitt.

Dear [Senator],

I STRONGLY oppose Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and urge you to vote NO on his nomination.

In stark contrast to former Republican and Democratic EPA heads, Mr. Pruitt's has sought to undermine sound science and questioned whether mercury pollution was bad for public health. He has repeatedly used the power of his office to fight to overturn the water and air safeguards that protect our fish and wildlife, public health, natural resources, and climate. He sued to stop the EPA from reducing water pollution entering upstream tributaries and wetlands. He sued to stop rules to reduce toxic mercury pollution, oxides of nitrogen, and sulfur dioxide, and sued to block the Clean Power Plan. During his confirmation hearing, Mr. Pruitt did not say anything to suggest he would change course from this record to represent all Americans, rather than special interests. Because of this track record and the positions he stated in yesterday's hearing, his nomination is completely unprecedented in the agency's nearly 50 year history and must be rejected.

[Your comments]

It is clear Mr. Pruitt does not share America's cherished bipartisan conservation values and cannot effectively lead the EPA. Please represent my interests as your constituent and oppose his nomination by voting no. Thank you.

[Your name]

Update #18 years ago
On February 17, the Senate confirmed Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA despite his record opposing clean water and air, and sound science. Thank you to everyone who contacted their Senators, but the fight isn't over. We need you now more than ever to make sure that fundamental protections for our air, water, wildlife, and outdoor heritage are upheld.
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