Join the Movement. Save Lives. No Excuses. No Hot Pets.

"I left the window down for him." "I wasn’t going to be gone long." "It's not too hot for me."
We've heard it all from people who have left their pets in vehicles during the hot summer months, putting their animals' safety at risk and even causing their deaths. Yet the problem persists – just since April, the Ontario SPCA has received over 500 calls about animals left in cars!
For dogs, a hot car can be a death trap. A dog's normal body temperature is about 39°C. A body temperature of 41°C can be withstood only for a very short time before irreparable brain damage or even death can occur.
It's never okay to leave a pet unattended in a vehicle. If you can't take your pet with you when you leave your car, leave them at home where they are safe. If you see an animal left unattended in a vehicle and live in Ontario, call 310-SPCA or your local police immediately.
The Ontario SPCA is committed to saving lives by spreading the word about how deadly it can be to leave a pet in a hot car – but we need your help.
Will you sign the Ontario SPCA's #NoHotPets pledge today to help spread the message that pets should never be left unattended in hot vehicles? Together, we can save the lives of pets.
If you live in Ontario and join the Ontario SPCA's email list you'll receive a free window decal to show your commitment to animal safety.
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