Hiaheah Florida, Mayor Carlos Hernandez,
Hialeah City Hall,
501 Palm Avenue
Hialeah, FL (305) 883-5800
Hialeah Police Chief
Chief Sergio Velazquez
Police Department
Address: 5555 East 8th Avenue, Hialeah, FL 33013
Phone:(305) 953-5300
Miami-Dade County
Mayor, Carlos A. Gimenez,
111 NW 1st Street
Miami, FL 33128
Email: mayor@miamidade.gov
Miami-Dade Police Director James Loftus
Miami-Dade Police Department
9105 NW 25 St.
Doral, FL 33172
Phone: 305-4-POLICE
Homeland Security Bureau
9105 Northwest 25th Street
Doral, FL 33172-1500 USA
Email: ioc@mdpd.com
Acting Major: Janna Bolinger-Heller
Phone: 305-470-3900
Ammie Rojas and her young children did not know that January 27th would have been the most devastating day they would ever live within the safety of their own home.
In pursuit of a burglary suspect in the area, officers entered Ammie's fenced yard, clearly posted “Beware of Dog” and released their K9 (Dog) officer from its leash. The burglary suspect was not there...but Ammie's two American Bull dogs, Rose and Beast, were. Upon the intrusion of strangers into their yard and the commotion, Rose approached the K9 (Dog) when the officers opened fire on her shooting her in the side with a shotgun. When Ammie heard the shotgun blast she came otuside in time to see the officer then turn the shotgun on Beast and shoot him. Ammie ran to Rose as she was wretching about and yelping in pain. Ammie cradled Rose close to her for the last few moments of her life. So the search of the burglary suspect ended with no apprehension of a suspect, as the suspect was not found. But this invasion of private property devastated and traumatized a woman and her young children. A moment that will never fade in memory...the sound of the gun blast, the crying of your beloved pets and the spilled blood of your baby as it succumbed to death. Rose died near her own driveway and Beast lay on his front door step in critical condition from the gun blast. Beast was taken to an emergency vet and is currently listed in critical condition and being treated. Beast has had to have blood transfusions in order to keep him alive until his body is accepting of the needed surgeries. His overall condition is unknown until such time his condition will allow for the surgeries. Vet bills are adding up and the family is financially burdened and depending upon caring people to donate for medical treatment to sustain Beast's life. Rose's body was confiscated by Animal Control.
We the People demand that Civil Liberties have been violated against one of our citizens by the Hialeah Police Dept, Miami Dade Police Dept and Miami Dade Animal Services by removing the body of Rose, which the state recognizes as private property under our 4th Amendment Rights. Rose's body should have been considered as evidence in the filing of a Criminal Complaint of Destruction of Private Property. This evidence should have been retained properly by refrigeration until such a time it would be determined if a "necropsy" was needed. This did not happen. Ms Rojas summoned the body of her dog (private property) Rose and was denied the return of her deceased dog. Upon repeated contact and denial it has been determined that the body of Rose was disposed of in a landfill and is no longer retrievable as evidence of a potential crime, or for the owner’s rights to her property and family pet for purposes of proper burial and family memorial.
We the People demand that Hialeah Police Officer Raymond Robinson be terminated immediately for his unjustified killing and maiming of 2 dogs on private property. Terminated for his act of devastating and endangering a family with young children. We demand that he be fully investigated for any prior act related to the shooting and killing of animals. If found to have a history of shootings, then we demand he undergo psychological evaluation to determine the risk of his presence in society as an officer of the law and issuance of a service weapon. We demand that he be charged with and prosecuted for the crime he has committed against this family in the shooting of both dogs. These charges should include but not limited to 2 Counts of Criminal Felony Animal Abuse. We demand that Officer Robinson and the Hialeah Police Department pay restitution to the family for the loss of Rose, a family pet. We demand that Officer Robinson and the Hialeah Police Department be held responsible in paying for any and all ongoing medical treatment cost that Beast has or will have to have in the future in reference to the shotgun blast.
We the People demand that Hialeah Police Dept, Miami-Dade Police Dept, all other Florida Law Enforcement and Miami Dade Amimal Services be required to take mandated Canine/Officer Encounter Training. We demand that the State of Florida to implement body cams for all officers to be worn and activated in onset of dispatched call. We demand that these shootings be handled as a crime against animals, a violation of civil liberties of citizens and a full and proper investigation from an outside agency be enacted immediately upon the discharging of a weapon (department issued or personal) which results in injury, death and/or property damage.
We the People demand that our Civil Liberties no longer be violated by those in Law Enforcement or who hold a position in our Judicial System. Animal Cruelty is a crime, it is time that it is enforced upon those who commit this crime. We the People stand to these demands we ask of those our tax dollars pay to Protect and Serve Us as a People! We the Undersigned agree to the Demands set forth in this petition.
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