There are many countries who have joined the EU who do not have or do not comply with, basic animal welfare laws. Countries such as Romania, Hungary, Greece and many former "Eastern Block" countries do not have adequate laws to protect animals or provide adequate food, water or shelter for lost and abandoned animals; dogs, cats and donkeys being the ones that suffer the most. In Romania, Hungary and Greece, to name but a few examples, dogs are kept in "kill" shelters where they are injected with antifreeze in the heart or have their throats slit. Puppies are either stamped on or put in a freezer and frozen to death, as this is considered "more humane". There are many groups now involved in rescuing these poor animals throughout Europe, BUT these countries should all have an existing animal welfare act provided for in law as a condition of their entering the EU, and adhered to by the local authorities. This should include access to food, water and shelter for stray dogs, cats and donkeys, and a spay and neuter programme to ensure the stray dog and cat population is controlled in a safe and humane way . All EU countries should establish and support acting charities similar to the welfare groups in the UK, who have a legal right to intervene in cases of abuse and neglect. Could you therefore please sign my petition to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, to demand that all EU countries comply to a basic animal welfare protection act.