"Turn the Tap On" For Malta's Thirsty Horses

Many tourists visiting the island of Malta enjoy a tour around the historic capital, Valletta, in a traditional horse-drawn carriage. But life is not so idyllic for the horses: they are thirsty, they are dehydrated, and they need your help.
In the extreme heat of the midday sun, these 120 hard-working horses are denied even their most basic need - clean water. They are suffering due to extreme thirst.
The horse owners and Malta's Animal Rights Coalition have asked World Animal Protection for help. Now we need you to call on the authorities to give these horses fresh water to drink.
The horses are well cared for but there is almost nowhere for their owners to get them water. In the entire city, there is just one single water point for these horses.Transport Malta needs to take responsibility for these long-suffering animals and provide the much-needed water and shade they require.
The solution is so simple: Turn the tap on and give these horses a drink. Sign the petition to urge Transport Malta to provide these desperately thirsty horses fresh water and more shade from the beating sun.
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