It's no secret that Idaho has declared war on its wolf population. But few people realize just how far Idaho has gone in its effort to dramatically reduce that population.
Idaho has contracted with Wildlife Services to help kill wolves in order to boost Idaho's elk population for sport hunters. They will no longer be able to excuse their wolf killing as protecting livestock — Wildlife Services will be killing wolves for trying to live off of their natural prey.
They often are indiscriminant in the wolves they kill. Just last week, Wildlife Service's shooters under contract with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife mistakenly killed the alpha female of the Huckleberry pack in Washington State, throwing that pack's future into jeopardy.
Please take immediate action and tell the Secretary of Agriculture to order Wildlife Services to stand down in Idaho!
Dear Secretary Vilsack,
I have recently learned that Wildlife Services has been granted $225,000 by the state of Idaho's Wolf Control Board to be used exclusively for the accelerated lethal control of wolves within that state. I am writing to you today urging you to personally intervene and terminate this new agreement with Idaho immediately.
Idaho's archaic and discredited wolf management policies present a significant threat to the continued recovery of wolves in the Northern Rockies. It is shocking that Wildlife Services has agreed to participate in this reckless and unscientific assault on such an important apex predator.
Idaho has set its sights on reducing its wolf population by 80%. I am seriously concerned that an agency under your control would willingly agree to act as a hired gun for Idaho in this ecological tragedy.
As the head of the federal department in which Wildlife Services operates, I'm urging you to direct Wildlife Services to immediately halt any further involvement with the Idaho Wolf Control Board's wolf killing program. Specifically, that you immediately direct Wildlife Services to return any funding that it has received from the Control Board and to impose the following restrictions on the agency's actions in Idaho:
- It should take immediate action to update and ensure full compliance for its predator control actions in Idaho with its environmental analyses responsibilities under NEPA and prepare an Environmental Impact Statement;
- It should not conduct any further lethal control actions against wolves for the purpose of managing ungulate populations; and
- It should not conduct any lethal control actions against wolves for livestock depredation unless non-lethal deterrents and tools have first been correctly implemented and have been proven to be ineffective.
[Your comments here]
For the reasons stated above, I am requesting that Wildlife Services terminate its agreement with the state of Idaho, which would undermine decades of work and investment to restore the gray wolf to the Northern Rockies.
[Your name]