Dear U.S. Caribbean Fishery Management Council,
I am writing to urge you to protect coral reef habitats and fish spawning aggregations in special ocean areas off western Puerto Rico. These resources are critical to ensure the health of marine ecosystems and coastal economies that depend on them. It is well known that fishing in areas that host annual fish spawning events threatens successful reproduction. Populations of ecologically and economically important grouper and snapper, and the fishing communities that depend on them, could suffer without these aggregations. The Council has an opportunity right now to improve protections for these important fish.
Specifically, I support restricting all fishing in spawning aggregation areas at three sites off western Puerto Rico (Abrir la Sierra, Bajo de Sico, and Tourmaline) every year from December 1st through May 31st. The science shows that several species of grouper and snapper spawn only during this time of year, including the Nassau grouper at Bajo de Sico, which is threatened with extinction according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In addition, anchoring boats in these areas should be prohibited year-round to protect fragile coral reefs.
Puerto Rico's unique natural heritage, our national passion for ocean recreation, and our brethren fishermen depend on healthy fisheries and thriving coral reefs.The Council has recognized the importance of protecting grouper and snapper spawning grounds in taking steps toward ecosystem-based fisheries management. Yet better protection is necessary to ensure a healthy future for our fish and the next generation of fishermen.
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Thank you for considering this important issue.
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