U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking"
U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" and "illicit transplant surgeries" & Prosecute these crimes against humanity
We hereby lobby the United Nations, General Assembly to Prosecute Organ trafficking and illicit transplant surgeries, as crimes against humanity.
All parties in the attempt to solicit to purchase, provide surgery to remove illicit organs and to transplant them knowingly & unknowingly, to receive such organs, conspiracies to euthanize victims in hospitals to take organs legitably; however it being illicit.
All conspirators, collaborators, profiteers in the whole chain of this illicit trade be charged for crimes against humanity.
Move to put strict regulations on transplantation to ensure patients are not euthanized to extract organs, people are not enticed to sell organs or murdered for their organs to be stolen.
All collaborators and co-conspirators of organ trafficking and illicit surgeries be charge with crimes against humanity.
We hereby lobby the United Nations, General Assembly to Prosecute Organ trafficking and illicit transplant surgeries, as crimes against humanity.
All parties in them attempt to solicit to purchase, provide surgery to remove illicit organs and to transplant them, to receive such organ knowingly, conspiracies to euthanize victims in hospitals to take organs legitimately, however it being illicit. All conspirators, collaborators, profiteers in the whole chain of this illicit trace be be charged for crimes against humanity.
Move to put strict regulations on transplantation to ensure patients are not euthanized to extract organs, people are not enticed to sell organs and people are not murdered for their parts.
All collaborators and co-conspirators of organ trafficking and illicit surgeries be charge with crimes against humanity.
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