Urge Congress to save our public lands

The Trump Administration has proposed an 84% budget cut to one of our most important programs for protecting public lands and waters – the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). This cut puts the future of our public lands and waters at risk.
The LWCF is one of the government’s most effective tools for protecting our public spaces. The program uses proceeds from oil and gas drilling in federally owned waters—and reinvests them to ensure outdoor recreation for all Americans. For more than 50 years, this program has helped fund the protection and management of everything from national parks and forests to close-to-home recreational areas, ensuring every family has access to the outdoors.
The Trust for Public Land staff and volunteers are going to Washington D.C. this month to share stories with Congress Members about why the LWCF is vital for the future of our public lands. So whether you want to protect your childhood park, winding hiking trails, or iconic National Parks, we need you to tell Congress and the administration that our public lands are spaces we share together and we need to protect them for the future!
There is good news – three bipartisan bills have been introduced in Congress to permanently fund the LWCF: S. 896, S. 569 and H.R. 502. But if there is not enough support for the program, public access to trails, forests and streams may be lost. Support our fight on Capitol Hill – sign your petition today so we can protect the LWCF and public lands for years to come.
Dear [Decsion Maker],
For more than 50 years, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has helped fund the protection and management of everything from national parks and forests to close-to-home recreational areas. This ensures every family has access to the outdoors and to places like the Tahoe National Forest, the Chattahoochee River and the Appalachian Trail.
Every time the LWCF has come up for renewal it has received bipartisan support, and with good reason. Protecting our shared public lands is not a partisan issue, it's an American one.
Permanently funding the LWCF and protecting our public spaces should be a top priority for Congress. Please permanently renew the LWCF by voting for bipartisan bills S. 896, S. 569 and H.R. 502 to ensure the future of America's public lands and iconic places.
[Your name here]
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