World Recognition in Freedom of Religion
We sign this petition in the common desire that everyone has the right to choose his or her own faith without fear of physical or mental harm. That we may live "our way of life" with the same freedoms as anyone else! The world may be a better place to live, if we can accept each other for who we are. Not what we want each other to be!
We sign this petition in the common desire that everyone has the right to choose his or her own faith without fear of physical or mental harm.
We believe that no one should judge anyone's faith nor do we believe anyone has the right to force their religion upon another.
Gone are the days of the Dark Ages.We desire that we may live "our way of life" with the same freedoms as anyone else!
We call upon an end to the falsities that have been written about any belief system that does not follow that of the churches which has dominated the world for so long.
Far too many deaths have risen out of religious differences. Time to put differences aside, learning from each other.. Thinking of them as blessings - not hinderances. We can start with world recognition!
The world may be a better place to live, if we can accept each other for who we are. Not what we want each other to be!
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