Don't Make Women Choose Between Leaving An Abuser And Saving Their Pet

Imagine having to choose between escaping an abusive relationship and protecting a beloved pet. Far too many women are forced to make this gut-wrenching decision.
As many as one-third of domestic violence victims delay leaving a dangerous situation out of fear that their pets will be harmed. And for many this fear is a reality – researchers say a majority of women entering women's shelters report that their partners abused or killed their pets.
Fortunately, there is a solution – the Pet and Women Safety Act (PAWS) Act recognizes that domestic violence impacts all members of the family, including the four-legged. This legislation would set a national policy that includes protections for pets of domestic violence victims and establishes a federal grant program to assist in acquiring a safe shelter for pets.
Twenty-eight states have enacted legislation allowing courts to include pets in restraining orders that prevent suspected abusers from having access to their victims both human and animal. But our leaders must go a step further for domestic abuse victims and their pets by enacting a national policy.
No one should have to choose between leaving an abuser and protecting a beloved pet. Sign the petition today and tell Congress to support the PAWS Act and protect women and animals.
Dear Legislator,
No one should have to choose between leaving an abuser and protecting a beloved pet. The Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act would expand domestic violence protections to include pets and provide resources for victims to safely shelter pets from abuse. Please cosponsor this vital legislation.
As many as one-third of domestic violence victims delay leaving a bad situation out of fear that their pets will be harmed. Researchers say a majority of women entering women's shelters report that their partners abused or killed their pets. It doesn't have to be this way.
Twenty-eight states have enacted pet protective order legislation, allowing courts to include pets in restraining orders that prevent suspected abusers from having access to their victims both human and animal.
The PAWS Act establishes a national policy on this issue, as well as encourages states to expand their legal protections for pets in abusive households. Please support S.1559/H.R.1258
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