Our Dogs Really Do Deserve Better!!!

  • by: Lisa Wyatt
  • recipient: Tammy Grimes, Executive Director, Dogs Deserve Better
Please sign this petition in SUPPORT of the organization Dogs Deserve Better. This is a miscarrige of justice!!!! I will forward this to the organization so that they may print out and give all our signatures to the appropriate parties.


Grimes Arrested for Helping Dying Chained Dog

Shocking Video of Doogie on You Tube .....
Grimes Arrested for Helping Dying Chained Dog []

Altoona, PA, U.S. September 14, 2006: Dogs Deserve Better Founder Arrested for Helping Dying Chained Dog

Shocking Video Footage on You Tube: Click the Image to read More


Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, was arrested Monday, September 11, 2006, for helping a dying chained dog she dubbed Doogie in East Freedom, Pennsylvania. Grimes organization was called with frantic pleas for help by a neighbor and another concerned citizen who alerted them to his plight.

Kim Eicher, the neighbor, stated that Doogie had been unable to stand since Saturday, and she had gotten no response from the local humane society after calling all weekend. Grimes instructed her to call again, leaving a detailed message. When Ms. Eicher had gotten no response by noon, Grimes team went out to see if they could help Doogie.

Grimes, upon seeing Doogie from the road, initially felt he had already died, as he was lying with his back to the road and was not moving. Her team went to investigate, and found that he was still alive, but was unable to stand, his legs flailing about in the mud and his own feces. She documented his condition with video and photos, and—making the decision to put Doogie's welfare ahead of any fears of legal action—took him to a local veterinarian, getting him immediate and necessary care. She then took Doogie to her home, bathed him, gave him food and water, and made him comfortable. She was later arrested for her refusal to return Doogie to a certain and immediate death on the end of a chain. She is now facing misdemeanor theft, receiving stolen property, criminal mischief, and criminal trespass charges.

Grimes states, "I will always be proud of what I did for Doogie. As Oprah says, there is one thing I know for sure: helping Doogie was the only morally right thing to do. The video has been placed on You Tube, and has received over 13,000 views in two days. People are astounded and outraged that we live in a society where those who help suffering animals are arrested, and those who abuse them are not punished. I am calling for my immediate release from all charges, and for the Arnolds to instead be charged with abuse—based on video and photo evidence, the testimony of a neighbor and another citizen, and the testimony of the veterinarian. I am asking all concerned citizens to stand with me against this atrocity. Speak out, do not let the press and local authorities railroad me while the Arnolds get away with this abuse. Please visit the website at http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/doogie.html. View the video. You will understand why I had to stand up for Doogie; he could not stand up for himself."

Dogs Deserve Better is a 501c3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Tipton, Pennsylvania, is the 2003 First Place Winner of the ASPCA Pet Protector Award, and currently has 150 area reps in 38 states as well as in Canada and Australia.

About Dogs Deserve Better

Dogs Deserve Better works to bring dogs out of the backyard and into the home and family.
Website: http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org

Dogs Deserve Better
Tammy Grimes
Executive Director
email: tammy@dogsdeservebetter.org
phone: 814.941.7447
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