Protect our rivers, lakes, and streams from pro-polluter politicians!

Clean water is critical to life here in North Carolina. But state lawmakers are not protecting our rivers, lakes, and streams from dangerous pollution and sedimentation, putting our health and ecosystems at risk.
Since the latest North Carolina legislative session began in January, legislators have filed bill after bill cutting critical water safeguards. Streams play a vital role in filtering out toxins before they end up in our drinking water sources, but lawmakers want to double the area that developers can damage in our streams before the law requires them to clean it up. Our streams are the first line of defense from rising floodwaters. As more severe storms threaten our communities, as we witnessed with Hurricane Matthew, our leaders should be doing more — not less — to strengthen these free, natural barriers.
North Carolina legislators have a responsibility to put the best interests of people — not polluters — first. This requires them to pass policies that prioritize the long-term health of our bodies of water and all of us who depend on them.
We shouldn't have to fight for access to clean, safe drinking water anymore. Stand with us and tell our leaders to protect North Carolina's water from polluters!
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