American honey bees have been dying at an alarming rate. Last year alone, beekeepers reported a loss of 42 percent of the colonies they oversaw.
Bees are extremely important in the pollination of flowers, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Their decline represents a clear danger to crops and a balanced environment.
The Obama administration is taking steps to reverse the decline of the honey bees by making millions of acres of federal land more bee-friendly, spending millions of dollars more on research, and considering the use of fewer pesticides.
The plan also mandates that federal lands and housing projects provide environments where the insects can feed safely without harmful pesticides.
However, the rescue plan could — and should — be even stronger. So far, the administration has yet to fully take on the use of neonicatoids, a class of pesticides that has been increasingly tied to the death of honey bees.
Help save honey bees! Signing and share this petition to encourage President Obama to strengthen his honey bee rescue plan.
President Obama,
We the undersigned encourage you to do what is necessary in saving the honey bee from its drastic decline and endangerment.
As you know, the honey bee is crucial for our environment and food supply. Please do everything you can to expedite the administration's honey bee rescue plan -- and move quickly to limit the use of neonicotoids, a class of pesticides that has been increasingly tied to bee deaths.
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