Urge Congress to Protect Birds During the Drought
The American Southwest is staggering under a historic drought. We need your help to make sure birds and their habitats get their fair share of increasingly scarce water.
Preservation and proper management of water is vital for birds that depend on rivers and wetlands in the Southwest. The current crisis increases the threat to these crucial habitats as competing interests contend for the remaining water.
Some lawmakers are reacting in extreme ways, including proposed cutbacks to some of the most important environmental laws we have: the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.
Done right, we can enact water policies that meet the needs of the environment, wildlife, and people.
Please join us in encouraging Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to work toward sensible policy solutions to this crisis that balance the needs of the environment, our communities, and our beloved wildlife.
Dear Majority Leader Reid, Please make it a priority to come up with sensible policy solutions to the persistent drought we face in the American Southwest that include the flexibility and efficiency needed for our environment, wildlife and people. Already we have seen legislators react to the drought in extreme ways, creating bills that would not only harm the drought impacted areas, but seriously weaken two of the most important environmental laws we have: the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. This is not the correct approach. We applaud the efforts of those in Congress that are promoting a science-based, common-sense approach to this extreme water shortage and we encourage you to support those efforts. Already a scarce resource in these states, the preservation and proper management of water is vital for birds that depend on rivers and wetlands in the southwest. The current water scarcity increases the threat to these crucial habitats as environmental, agricultural, and municipal concerns contend for the remaining water. This persistent, record-setting drought is dangerous to our communities, our economy, our way of life and the environment and rivers that sustain life in the region. As a western Senator you have advocated for common sense water conservation and efficiency and we thank you for your efforts. It is time to incentivize innovation, increased conservation and efficiency and creative approaches to creating adequate supplies while protecting the river systems that support countless species of wildlife as well as our urban populations. Please support science-based solutions that are flexible while focusing on efficiency, conservation and protection of our rivers and wildlife. Thank you for your consideration. [Your comment here] Sincerely, [Your name here]
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